Sharepoint Migration Tool – Invalid SharePoint Online list

When migrating on premises files to SharePoint Online / OneDrive for Business, Microsoft made a simple tool available ‘SharePoint Migration Tool’.

Sometimes you will get the ‘Invalid SharePoint Online List’ error like;
“Invalid SharePoint Online list ‘Documents'”,”ACTION_STOP”,”0x0201000D”

Thanks to Thomasssssss on this technet topic; i found the solution.

So to get this working do the following:

– If not already done, create a new migration in SharePoint Migration Tool and start the migration, when you get the ‘Invalid SharePoint Online list’ error, close the tool
– Go to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\MigrationToolStorage\\Sessions\SE_RANDOMNUMBER\ and open the session.dat file with notepad.
– Search and replace every “_libraryName”:”Documents” with your local ‘libraryName’, in my case; “_libraryName”:”Documenten” and save the file.
– ReOpen SharePoint Migration Tool and resume the saved migration.

It should work now!