SharePoint Online – Change timezone for all SPO Sites

Today i needed to change the TimeZone for a lot of sites, when searching online i found some other scripts but i found them too complicated and needed something easier to manage. I combined and script some other script and came up with this: # Define variable $adminurl = $timezone = “(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlijn, […]

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SharePoint Online – Give permission to single user on all SharePoint Online sites

I was looking for a way to grant a single user permissions on all sharepoint sites without giving admin permissions. In the end only a single PowerShell command was needed to accomplish this (apart from running ‘Connect-SPOService’) Get-SPOSite | ForEach {Set-SPOUser -Site $_.Url -LoginName -IsSiteCollectionAdmin $true} Where is the username you want to […]

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Error code; 0x80070005-0x000004dc-0x00000524 when trying to sent an email from shared mailbox

Recently a customer was getting the error code; 0x80070005-0x000004dc-0x00000524 when trying to email ‘sent as’ from a newly created shared mailbox. After searching online I found a lot of potential solutions like; – Make sure only Full Access and Full control are set as permissions, do not use sent on behalf aswell. – Start Outlook […]

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Microsoft 365 – Create an organization library

Alot of posts have been written about the late-2019 rolled out feature to create organization library’s. After playing around a bit I’ve decided to make a short manual on how to achieve these 2 types of library’s. General info for this topic I used is: There are two types of Organization asset types; 1. […]

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Windows 10 – Can’t open .heic files

Recently I came across some devices who can’t seem to open the new iPhone picture format .heic. I found some sites stating that only Windows needs to be up to date 1903 or higher, but in some cases that still does not resolve this. To resolve this you can install the ‘Video extensions from device […]

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SharePoint Online Migration Tool – Scan File Failure:The item created time or modified time is not supported

When migrating to SharePoint Online / OneDrive for business, you could get the error: Scan File Failure:The item created time or modified time is not supported This seems because the file or folder doensnt have a (valid) creation date, in my case it had the value “4-3-1601 05:27:48”. To resolve this issue, the files need […]

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Sharepoint Migration Tool – Invalid SharePoint Online list

When migrating on premises files to SharePoint Online / OneDrive for Business, Microsoft made a simple tool available ‘SharePoint Migration Tool’. Sometimes you will get the ‘Invalid SharePoint Online List’ error like; “Invalid SharePoint Online list ‘Documents’”,”ACTION_STOP”,”0x0201000D” Thanks to Thomasssssss on this technet topic; i found the solution. So to get this working do […]

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