DFS – Replication service failed to recover from an internal database error on volume.

When DFS is not replicating anymore and you see event ID 2104 with error 9214 there is a simple solution to do which i found on this website: http://www.asptricks.net/2017/01/replication-service-failed-to-recover.html

Basicly it’s disabling the replication group nodes and running a .bat file.

1. Disable group replication (DFS Management -> Replication -> Replication group -> Connections -> disable the group members.

2. Create a .bat file with the following content:

REM Removes the broken DFSR configuration database from the system
net stop dfsr
icacls "%DFSR_DB_DRIVE%\System Volume Information" /grant "Domain Admins":F
cd "%DFSR_DB_DRIVE%\System Volume Information"
cd ..
icacls "%DFSR_DB_DRIVE%\System Volume Information" /remove:g "Domain Admins"
net start dfsr
dfsrdiag PollAD /Member:%userdomain%\%computername%